Sunday, December 14, 2008

Farewell, but not Goodbye

As my semester-long study of disability rights on the global agenda comes to a close, I look back at the whirlwind of study, pondering, and production with vigor and pride. I ended my study with a class presentation highlighting the evolution and path to the successful adoption and entry into force of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The presentation concluded with lessons from disability rights that may be applied to the global norm building campaign of the Campaign for Innocent Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC), the organization I have also been studying all semester.

From here, my colleagues and I turned our full attention to CIVIC. We completely immersed ourselves in the production of a strategy paper and Power Point presentation which we presented to CIVIC just yesterday. After our presentation, we spent over an hour discussing the campaign and getting to know the staff at CIVIC. The briefing was a fantastic and inspiring success! It is really so amazing and inspiring to contemplate what CIVIC has accomplished in such a short time with a staff of 4-5 incredibly motivated and intelligent people. I am very honored to have had the opportunity to work with them. You can see pictures from the event on the course blog, What Should CIVIC Do?. The post is titled "BREAKING NEWS...".

I titled this post, "Farewell, but not Goodbye" because although I won't be posting on disability rights any longer, the work of CIVIC - and any influence my class had on that - will continue. I also expect my blogging will continue as I develop my personal site at